Wedding Trivia

  • The term honeymoon came about from ancient Teutons. Couples would only marry beneath a full moon then drink honey wine for thirty days after.
  • Rice throwing began in the Orient. Rice is a symbol of fertility and was thrown on newlywed couples in hopes of a marriage that would produce many children.
  • The bridal shower custom began in Holland when a father disapproved of his daughter’s choice for a husband, the local miller. The father withheld his daughter’s dowry so the townspeople “showered” her with gifts from their own households.
  • The ring finger is considered to be the only finger connected by a vein directly to the heart.
  • The wedding cake originated in Rome, when a loaf of wheat bread was broken over the head of the bride. This symbolized fertility and a fulfilling life. The custom found its way to England during the Middle Ages. Guests would bring small cakes and all were piled together for the bride and groom to kiss over. Eventually someone came up with the idea of a multilayered cake covered with icing.
  • The term trousseau originated in France. French brides brought their clothing and other personal possessions with them to their new home in a small bundle, called a trousseau. Even though the standard dowry became significantly more than a bundle, the word remained the same. The gifts the bride-to-be receives today are considered the modem day trousseau.
  • Carrying the bride over the threshold is another custom that originated in Rome. The reluctant (or pretending to be) bride had to be carried into the wedding chamber. There also a legend that evil spirits were believed to linger at the threshold so the groom would carry his bride over them.
  • Today old shoes may be tied to the rear bumper of the newlywed’s car but at one time they were actually thrown at the bride by her father! This act showed his yielding possession of her to her husband.
  • Tossing the garter and bouquet began in the 1300’s in France where guests chased the bride and tore off her garter. This was considered good luck. As years passed brides wisely began to remove the garter themselves and then throw into the crowd. Later the bridal bouquet was added and the lucky girl who caught it is believed to be the next one married. And the man who catches the garter is supposed to be the next groom.

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