Wedding Invitations for Every Type of Wedding: Semi-Formal

So you’ve decided to skip out on the frills and floor-length frocks of a formal wedding. You might think this excuses you from many of the excesses of planning for a formal wedding, from enormous bouquets of flowers to elaborate wedding invitations, and in some ways, it certainly does! However, it also may open up a whole extra field of possibilities, leaving you wondering where exactly the lines are drawn when it comes to creating a semi-formal wedding that’s neither overly formal nor way too casual.

With semi-formal weddings, the trick is to keep in mind the dress code when you’re making your plans. Daytime weddings call for short dresses or skirts for the guests, while evening semi-formal weddings demand cocktail dresses. Now just take that mindset and apply it to your wedding invitations! Think of the type of invitations you’d use to invite guests to a fun daytime celebration or a classy cocktail party, and adapt those ideas to your invites.

Go floral with Hydrangea Square Panel wedding invitations. Simple and pretty, they get the message across spangle-free but still joyfully with a burst of blossoms in the corner, for a lovely look that doesn’t overwhelm.