Overcoming Wedding Stress – Part 3

My boss/coworker(s) think they are invited. It is good form to invite your boss if you will continue working at the same place after you are married but many of us don’t want to mix business and pleasure. No matter how well you get along with your coworkers, space, money and your wishes may not lend to inviting all of them. The best way to deal with this situation is to keep wedding talk at work to a minimum. Request the time you need to take off from work in writing and don’t talk about the reasons with coworkers. If there is just one or two coworker that you associate with outside of work that you want to invite things can get tricky. Go ahead and invite them but ask that they too keep wedding discussions out of work. Don’t use company email to communicate about the wedding, save it for when you are home.

Some relatives/friends don’t support our wedding. Not everyone will agree with the life choices you make but true friends will be supportive. Hopefully most people will handle this politely and support you in your decision. Sometimes people don’t deem capable of doing that. Agree to a healthy conversation just once to help put their minds at ease but don’t allow any discussion that is pure criticism and mean, keep it constructive. After that discussion simply tell the person you appreciate their concern but need to make your own decision.

When it comes down to it all that matters about your wedding is that you are married at the end of the day. Sometimes no matter how diplomatic you are, how well you stand your ground, or how much of a queen of compromise you are, not everything will go smoothly and not everyone will cooperate. Take it in stride and hold your head high and focus on your new spouse. Keep your relationship as your focus and think of your wedding a a celebration of that relationship, not something that has t go perfectly.

Read:  Part 1  |  Part 2  |  Part 3

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